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Three Digital Promotion Tactics From Denver Marketing Firms

Denver marketing firmsThe modern business world is all about maximum exposure. For small brick and mortar businesses, this used to mean making sure the sign outside of your company was big and bright and that you had regular advertisements in the local paper and annual high school yearbook, but the times have changed. These days, anyone working for one of the Denver marketing firms would tell you that it means maximizing your digital exposure as well.

From regular posts on Facebook to tweeting multiple times per day, there are numerous things you should be doing to help increase the digital exposure of your business. Remember, website traffic can be converted into actual customers, so take advantage of the new tools available to you by optimizing every factor within your control.

  • Social Media Engagement Is Key

The key to taking advantage of your social networks is by turning it into traffic on your website. From the website, you are able to convert them into paying customers, but you have to get them there first, right? Your goal is not just to create content, but to create content that encourages your community to engage with it.

The key to getting them from the social network to your site is through the use of contests and discounts. Sage Island Marketing’s CEO Mike Duncan recently wrote an article about this. He advises, “Rather than looking like just another company, you can make yourself look like the dynamic local business that is giving its customers something. Don’t be afraid to get creative! Get your company on all relevant social platforms, and be prepared to update regularly with unique content.”

  • Seek Out Potential Customers With Paid Ads

Using targeted social media ads and PPC campaigns is a great way to put your content in front of the right people. “Remember that when it comes to advertising, quantity is important but quality is key. Fifty followers within your demographic are better than one thousand new followers unlikely to utilize your services. And with paid advertising, you have the opportunity to select targeting criteria based on those buyer personas.” That means you will be able to specialize content for the correct age, education level, and gender (as well as many more) to help you essentially cherry pick who gets to see your PPC and social media ads. Denver marketing firms agree that these target ads will help you get the highest brick and mortar conversion rate.

  • Send Out Regular Email Newsletters

If you own a brick and mortar business, you should already be sending out regular emails. If you aren’t, make this the day that you start. By providing some fast and simple content in an email newsletter, you are setting up a system of communication between your potential (and past) customers and yourself. “In order to get the most out of email newsletters, be sure to follow current best practices, and create genuinely useful content as a reminder to your core audience that you are still there for them. Don’t just send something for the sake of sending something –nothing drives a user to that ‘unsubscribe’ button faster than content that seems like spam.”