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How UX Writing & Information Hierarchy Keep Your Audience Top-Of-Mind

ux writing and information hiearchy

Many brands feel like having a ton of content is essential to compete in the digital world – after all, we’ve all heard the phrase, “content is king”, right? However, many run into a critical issue when they get tunnel vision during content creation – they forget about their audience... the ever-so-important “end user”. Let’s be clear, content is extremely important for:

  • Proper implementation of a successful content marketing strategy (which goes without saying)
  • Executing a killer pillar strategy
  • Playing the SEO and SERP game
  • Building your case for being a thought leader

But how do you walk the fine line of content creation before you find yourself producing more noise in a noise-filled digital world where your audience simply gets lost?

The Rise of User-Centric Approaches

As the name implies, taking a user-centric approach involves keeping users at the top-of-mind. The users and their needs are understood and kept a priority when developing assets, whether it’s a blog post, white paper, your website, or even a product. By taking a user-centric approach, you force yourself to be empathetic and think from your audience’s perspective which ultimately leads you to solve their challenges without the fluff or extra noise. It won’t be easy – in fact, there isn’t a set way to do this, so it can’t be easy. That’s why the user-centric approach is an iterative process that requires thoughtful deliberation and refinement.

How UX Writing Plays a Role

UX writing has recently gained popularity, and rightly so – UX writing should be taken into consideration before all content is finalized and published. UX writing essentially involves simplifying copy and language so that users explicitly know what to expect when they interact with your digital assets.

Rather than keeping your audience guessing, or worse – frustrating them because 1) it takes too long to get the information they need and 2) they can’t get what they want out of your copy – use UX writing to make your audience’s life easier. Follow these tips:

  • Be succinct. Say what you need to say (and what you mean) with the least amount of words possible.
  • Avoid long blocks of text. Most people don’t read – they scan, so make sure your readers get your message easily.
  • Talk to your user. Use their language. After all, you developed those buyer personas for something!

ux writing cta example

Example of CTA text optimization with UX writing

Last But Not Least - Information Hierarchy
Information hierarchy, also known as “content hierarchy”, is the strategic placement of content – whether it’s on your site, an email, or even ad copy. The idea is that you place the most important information “at the top”, followed by less important information, and the least important at the very bottom.


Why does this matter? Remember, most people are scanning which means they’re less likely to scroll, and in a world of distractions, bounce rates and low conversion rates are your biggest enemies. Attract and engage your audience as soon as they get to your website. If you provide them the most valuable information upfront they’re more likely to convert versus clicking “back” and going to another search result.




Your audience should be at the forefront of what you do. After all, they’re the ones that will drive your business forward. Improving your content is one way to solidify the relationship between them and your brand. If perfecting your messaging and overall user experience seems like a tedious task, let our team show you how it’s done!