Why You Should Consider User Experience Before Design For Your Website

Why You Should Consider User Experience Before Design For Your Website

For businesses fighting for attention and even money online, finding success can be tough to achieve and an even harder thing to analyze when it comes to the factors that helped drive it. While many experts point to countless different activities that have “proven to drive success”, through my experience most successful businesses online have a solid framework built upon three major components.

These three components, which we refer to as the 3-legged stool, are digital marketing, web design & development, and sales enablement. As we have found at Revenue River, clients without one leg of the stool often struggle to find true success online as the remaining “legs” within their campaigns often can’t support the weight of the results necessary for success.

As with any component, marketing, web and sales are made of up of their very own “ingredients” which when combined make the campaign successful as a whole. When it comes to a business’ website, it is no secret that companies depend upon a clean, solid and high-performing website to help inform potential customers of what they do and convert them into leads for their sales teams. In this overall concept, there is one key ingredient that I have found as a designer that is often lacking that, in my opinion, can have a huge effect upon websites as a whole. This is the website’s user experience, often referred to as UX.

User Experience vs. Design

There are thousands of highly talented designers out there but when it comes to web design, there is another level of detail and understanding that a designer must have in order to truly be successful in what they do. My experience has shown that sites that have not integrated even basic user experience have failed the customer, even if it is artistically and visually stunning.

Have you ever downloaded a cool new app on your phone only to find that the functionality was not “user friendly”? The basic use may have been difficult to understand, the menus may have been hidden or non-existent or the main tools you used most may have been buried beneath fluff and finesse in an attempt to look cool. Yeah, we’ve all been there. In respect to business websites, the concept is no different. Most businesses are trying to solve a problem for their customers, whether it be B2B, B2C, or other. No matter the customer base, the user of the website must be able to successful navigate it on their own in order to do what they need to do. Having a good user experience is essential for a website as it makes it so that visitors can traverse your pages with ease, find the information they need quickly and efficiently, and give them the opportunity to convert. The whole idea behind UX is this – don’t make them work for it.

Real World Example

In a recent client campaign where we were implementing a growth driven design (GDD) assessment, we faced a site that desperately needed to generate leads for the business. Even without integrated heat mapping tools and review of site page analytics it wasn’t hard to see what was really going wrong for this site.

  • Video Banner Load Time – The home page had a looping video banner which from the get go made the page load slower than normal, even with development optimization. Since most people have attention spans shorter than goldfish (no really, they actually have tested this to be true), this lead to high drop off rates from the very start.
  • Confusing Conversion Points – There were several elements that were not obvious links or conversion points on both the home page and key site pages, making it hard for visitors to take the next step in the buyer’s journey.
  • Text-Heavy Designs – The page templates for the site were extremely text heavy and did a poor job of breaking up the content in a way that allowed readers to more easily digest the information being provided.

From this assessment and utilizing both best-practice and user experience methodologies, we were able to redesign and implement clear structure and conversion paths that ultimately helped to improve the overall use of the site.

Though there are several factor which make websites successful and indeed make it a value to a successful campaign as a whole, one thing that businesses must not put last is the user experience.