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Don't Be Daft, Take Website Optimization Seriously

There are many glamorous aspects of an inbound marketing campaign.  Social media Denver SEO Companies, Website Optimization, Inbound Marketinginvolves creativity and interacting with customers, blogging lets you express yourself through writing and email keeps you connected with your target audience.  It’s no wonder that after looking at all of these highly interactive and creative aspects of a campaign that SEO and website optimization rarely excites the normal person.  That’s about to change.

The plain and simple truth is that in a full-on inbound marketing campaign, an optimized website is your money maker.  Don’t believe me?  Just take a look at what Outbrain’s latest study has to say.  According to their numbers, search engines are the number one source of external traffic for content sites, beating out other driver techniques such as content sites (ie. Links on other websites and blogs) and social media!

After hearing those numbers, you’d be daft not to fully consider optimizing your website as one of your most important inbound tasks.  So, what next?  Here’s a quick list that many Denver SEO consultants such as Revenue River provide to those just starting the process of optimizing their website.

 Free template to website optimization from one of the premier Denver SEO Companies, Revenue RiverCreate Buyer Personas

The first step in any inbound marketing campaign, creating a buyer persona (or multiple) is paramount to your success.  By knowing who your target audience is, what they do and what their pain points are, you will be able to better understand what they’re looking for from you and how they may go about doing so.

Creat a List of Keywords

Now that you know who you’re targeting and what they’re looking for, it’s time to start compiling a list of main keywords you believe they will use to find you and the information they are looking for in order to solve their problems.  While the entire list of keywords should be pretty large, you should only have a handful of target keywords.  These are the ones you believe will bring in the highest amount traffic and resonate best with your target audience.  Be sure you have at least one target keyword for every product or service you provide.

Assign Keywords to Pages On Your Website

It’s time to start adding focus to your website by assigning a target keyword to each of your web pages.  Identify what each page is trying to express to your reader and match it with a target keyword.  Some pages may require more than one keyword, such as home pages and a product page that profiles your entire range of products or services.  Now you’re ready for the real part of website optimization.


Once you have assigned a target keyword, begin introducing it into the content on the page.  As with any other form of optimization, use discretion when integrating your keyword into sentences.  Make sure that you are still producing strong, intelligent content while also highlighting the use of your keyword.  By doing this, you are not only informing the reader what the page is about through your well written and focused content, but you are also telling search engine crawlers that your optimized page is focused on that keyword.


What seems a daunting task doesn’t seem so hard now does it?  Website optimization may not be the most glamorous of tasks when it comes to an inbound marketing campaign, but it is almost certainly the most important.  Want to take the next step in your optimization?  Have a look at Revenue River’s SEO Keyword Template, a complete guide to optimizing every one of your web pages from one of the leading Denver SEO consultants.


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