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Companies with an impressive digital presence are bringing on new business at a higher velocity & a lower cost-per-client ratio than those without a digital presence. They have influence far beyond their local marketplace and have positioned themselves and their company as true industry experts. They’re now a source of information or analysis well beyond their customer base, and their sphere of influence continues to grow.
If you’re interested in positioning yourself as a thought leader in your industry, we’ve built this guide to help you achieve the same results.
The information age is upon us, and the Internet is its wheelhouse. The average American adult spends over 10 hours a day on digital devices. The rise of smartphones and tablets has made searching for information even easier and faster. News and information
Even those who are hesitant to purchase online are still doing product research and comparison shopping via the Internet before they purchase. Have you made a large purchase lately? If you have you most likely spent more time on the Internet asking questions and reading reviews than you spent talking to someone knowledgeable that works at a store.
The Internet is powerful. Your prospective customers are seeking information about your products or services, and if they can’t find what they are looking for they will look elsewhere. If you want to sell to them, you need to build digital resources for them to discover. Satisfy their need for information, and you’ll be one of their trusted resources when it’s time to buy.
Educational content should be the top of your content creation efforts, supplying the valuable information your prospects are seeking. Premium content should be more complex than other content pieces. Make your premium content in the form of eBooks, whitepapers, buying guides, online calculators, or other digital resources that your personas will find most valuable and best consumable.
The information you include in your premium content pieces shouldn’t be about your products or services at all. Help readers get informed on your industry and provide some basic solutions. You’ll gain credibility through your understanding of the challenges facing your industry, and through the creation of these resources, you’ll be able to prove your existing knowledge.
It takes time, energy, and focus to create this kind of content. It’s an investment in your business to undertake projects like this, but the results are undeniable. Sure, it’s hard to quantify the results generated from being on the front page of Google, or other search engines. In order to get on the front page, you need to have premium content. If you don’t have it, you need to start creating infographics, eBooks or other online resources.
Only 30% of marketers say their content marketing strategy is effective. This guide will help you understand how to position yourself online, but it won’t tell you how to create your premium content. If you need help creating an effective content marketing strategy, set up a strategy session with us.
With some education under their belt, your prospects will begin asking themselves whether or not your solutions are right for them.
You need to be able to provide each prospect with the information they need to move across each stage in the buyer’s journey. Understanding where your gaps are in your content marketing is one major aspect of this step.
The process of filling the gaps in your content marketing can be difficult. Make sure that you…
Once you have the answers to these questions, you can start to evaluate what content piece you will create.
You’re an industry expert, even if you might not think it. Whatever you do for a living you’ve likely been doing it a long time, and you’ve become an expert over time with hard work and ongoing training. The problem is that not enough people realize how much you know.
That’s where thought leadership comes in. Thought leadership allows you to get yourself out there, to publish your knowledge online so that it may be accessed. The more you share, the more your reach and influence grows, and in the process, you become a trusted resource.
The people that have taken the time to become thought leaders have carefully crafted their respectable reputation from square one, and you can too! But remember, the tallest trees take hundreds of years to grow. Your thought leadership will take time to develop.
Here are a few ways that you can help your thought leadership develop:
Content curation can be tremendously useful in positioning your business for thought leadership. If you’re trying to demonstrate your knowledge on a subject you’ll need a starting point for the conversation, and that’s where curation comes in. First, let’s quickly discuss how content curation is different from content creation.
Content creation involves the creation of original, never-before-seen material. Similar to a painter making brushstrokes on a blank canvas, content creation takes something from scratch and turns it into a functional piece of content. On the other hand, content curation involves collecting content that has been masterfully created.
Content curation involves finding powerful statistics or information published by others. Once you’ve found a valuable piece of information to include, work that source into your content. Then you can share it with your network, or you could even use it as a source for another blog post. Remember to cite that source appropriately.
Reworking already published information is
Make sure you’re pulling no more than a couple hundred words and adding at least that much of your own valuable information. As a general rule of thumb, if you do need to curate, make sure at least 30% of that content is original.
The blog should be the content hub your business uses to publish everything from your thought leadership pieces to your company news. Your blog should live on your website, creating a newly indexed web page every time a new article is posted.
These new pages have incredible value because they serve two purposes:
As your blog grows, you’ll create a library of content. This library will allow you to have more and more content to distribute through social media and email marketing. You’ll acquire an endless supply of resources to help with the sales process and customer service. Your website, social media accounts, and email campaigns will all benefit from an active and growing business blog.
Don't forget, B2B companies that are blogging are generating 67% more leads than non-bloggers.
Your company blog doesn’t need to remain a mistake you made a few years back. You have to make it a focal point of your marketing efforts to improve results. To do this, you’ll need to create a culture of writing and competition within your office.
Here’s how you can get your blog back on track:
We can assure you that if you spend the proper amount of time turning your blog into what it needs to be, your digital marketing efforts will be positively affected.
The goal of your social media efforts is not to make friends and post funny pictures. You must understand the end goal in mind and ensure that your content and social interaction is driving to the desired results, like growing traffic, increasing Google’s search rankings, and other meaningful outcomes.
Don’t think of social media as that thing that your nephew spends hours of his time browsing. Rather, think of social media as a message distribution vehicle, similar to email. The content you‘ve learned on this webpage presents a great opportunity in the social world.
Distribute your content over whichever channels fit the message, repositioning your title and image based on platform demands.
This digital marketing resource represents only a brief overview of the concepts needed to position your business in the digital age. There are a plethora of details that every digital marketer needs to understand, and it might be hard to keep track of them all, but the devil is in the details. Your competitor might have
The best way position yourself or your company as a thought leader is to form your digital marketing plan, build a team of resources to support your marketing plan, and manage this digital medium with the same drive and dedication that you’ve put into your overall business.
A strong digital presence is valuable and lasting, and you need to make sure your voice is heard through the “noise” produced by your competition. Through effective digital marketing strategies and careful planning, you can become a thought leader for your digital presence. By doing so you will:
You can create lasting results. To do so you have to learn, apply, practice, and improve your digital presence.
We can help.
Search Engine Optimization is an integral part of digital marketing. Content written with a sound SEO strategy behind it ensures that people will find you online through Google searches.
We created a helpful guide that you can use to get an introduction to search engine optimization. Click on the button below to access it. (no form required!)
If you're lost in the world wide web, we can help you get back on track. Even more, our team can provide the advice you need to start on the path towards becoming a thought leader.
Fill out the form below & we will contact you to determine how we can help you.